Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lowa Renegade GTX (300 Mile Update)

Traction is good over the various wet and dry conditions in central New York. They are lightweight, durable (no premature sole wear and the uppers and stitching are all holding up nicely), and they fit "like a glove" for the first couple of hundred miles but have loosened since. If you have narrow, low-volume feet you might aim for a pair in B-width, otherwise, after breaking them in they might feel a bit sloppy. I have a pair of Zephyrs with about as many miles and they fit more snugly.

Proper lacing will prevent boot bang on the downhill -- though, over time, this was more difficult to control for. They are pretty good at keeping your feet dry for the first 200 or 250 miles but beyond that and they seem to lose most of their water resistance. Ankle support is sufficient, though, they are pretty flexible, arch support and overall ergonomic contouring seems pretty good, and I never suffered any hot spots or blisters.

My longest hike in these Renegades was 19 miles and my feet were pretty sore afterwards, though, to their credit I was back on the trail the next day.

Overall, I used these boots a lot for a couple hundred miles and more or less abandoned them except for occasional hikes of 6 to 8 miles in dry conditions. I might replace them with another pair in B-width or try an all-synthetic model from Asolo.